My Aviation Journey

A Timeline

Note: Durations and hours are approximate because some flights were unrelated to their “category” and there were also some training delays due to weather and scheduling, etc.

  • Completed Private, Instrument, Commercial, Multi, CFI, CFII in 18 months

  • Obtained first flying job as a CFI at 340 hours

  • Accepted a Part 91 job at 520 hours

  • Did some timebuilding with a friend in his aircraft (my Part 91 job aircraft was grounded indefinitely)

  • Left Part 91 job with 725 hours

  • Won a scholarship and used the money to buy 25 additional multi hours

  • Drove for Uber and sold plasma for two months

  • Accepted seat support (SIC) position in Level D simulator at 750 hours

  • Went back to instructing full time

  • Accepted a Part 135 job flying a Super-Midsize private jet at 1,040 hours

  • Left Part 135 job after one year

  • Rented an aircraft and shared timebuilding flights for 60 hours

  • Went to ATP CTP and then a Regional Airline at 1,475 hours

Total Timeline: 5 years and 4 months