My Aviation Journey
A Timeline
Note: Durations and hours are approximate because some flights were unrelated to their “category” and there were also some training delays due to weather and scheduling, etc.
Completed Private, Instrument, Commercial, Multi, CFI, CFII in 18 months
Obtained first flying job as a CFI at 340 hours
Accepted a Part 91 job at 520 hours
Did some timebuilding with a friend in his aircraft (my Part 91 job aircraft was grounded indefinitely)
Left Part 91 job with 725 hours
Won a scholarship and used the money to buy 25 additional multi hours
Drove for Uber and sold plasma for two months
Accepted seat support (SIC) position in Level D simulator at 750 hours
Went back to instructing full time
Accepted a Part 135 job flying a Super-Midsize private jet at 1,040 hours
Left Part 135 job after one year
Rented an aircraft and shared timebuilding flights for 60 hours
Went to ATP CTP and then a Regional Airline at 1,475 hours
Total Timeline: 5 years and 4 months
Preface - A Lifeline Interest
Chapter One - Flight School Interview
Chapter Two - Solo
Chapter Three - Private Pilot
Chapter Four - Advanced Ground Instructor, Instrument Ground Instructor, Remote Pilot
Chapter Five - Instrument Rating
Chapter Six - Commercial Pilot
Chapter Seven - Commercial Multi
Chapter Eight - CFI
Chapter Nine - CFII
Chapter Ten - Citation X
Chapter Eleven - Single-engine ATP Timebuilding
Chapter Twelve - ATP / E-170/190