Most airports have a phone number for the ATIS, it is usually listed in the Chart Supplement (A/FD). You can also use and search "ATIS," "AWOS," or "ASOS." Using LiveATC is a better way to do it so you’re not tying up the automated weather phone line.

One tip, get used to the order of the ATIS information, that way you know what item comes next. The order is basically the same as a METAR

Side note: Get used to reading raw METARs.

ATIS broadcasts are consistent

  • Station

  • Time

  • Winds

  • Sky Conditions

  • Temp

  • Dewpoint

  • Altimeter

  • Remarks

  • Repeat

Learn the predictable pattern of the ATIS and you're way ahead of the game. And for a VFR private pilot, you should note the winds and how they impact you (if there are runways you can't/shouldn't use), that the weather is VMC, the altimeter setting, and any remarks that are pertinent to your specific flight.

New ATIS comes out just before the top of the hour most of the time. In fact, it's a safe bet that the time will be xx53Z. That gives you an idea of when you can wait a few to get the ATIS, although it's not a sure thing, as if there's a significant change they will issue a special ATIS.

Don't forget to listen to the entire broadcast for any special remarks, such as wind shear advisories or thunderstorms in the vicinity.

ATIS Shorthand Example: 

M 0753Z 210/10G16 v10 BKN035 25/13 3001 +932

(ATIS information, time, winds, visibility, sky conditions, temperature/dew point, altimeter, density altitude). 

Further Reading